What our clients have to say...

Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed

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Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed

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What Angelina's Clients Say

We measure success by lives touched and impact made. That’s why the people and organizations Angelina works with and the leaders she supports consistently say the same thing: their experience with her isn’t just a game-changer, it’s a life-changer.

Angelina's consulting, coaching coursework and executive leadership mentoring and training have helped transform hundreds of leaders into the more integrated, more effective leaders they know they can be and that their organizations need.

But don’t take our word for it — take theirs.

Michael Leifer

Cultural Anthropologist, Founder, Chief Marketing Officer and Sustainability Startup, Community and Impact Strategist

Angelina Frost is an extremely wise and talented leadership and life coach, who has helped me tremendously over the past 5 years.

She has helped me to clarify my purpose, intentions, business objectives, and to achieve a healthy work/life balance.

Her tool kit of aligning my vision with the required skill sets and capabilities to achieve success has proved invaluable.

I'd recommend her services to any entrepreneur who seeks a compass on their sea of personal decision making.

Shana Holman PA-C


Before working with Ange, I was, more times than not, crippled with unwarranted feelings of depression and anxiety. I wasn’t even aware of the automatic thought patterns that were keeping me from working towards my life purpose and moving closer to the things that simply bring me joy.

Her work is practical and easily applied in daily life. I've brought these very lessons and practices to my own patients and see time and again how effective they are in their lives. She is an absolute gem and has helped me in reshaping thought patterns that were leading me straight to burnout and stagnation.

I will be forever grateful that I did the work with her 🙏🦋😊

Erik Leslie

Leadership & Performance Expert | Lead Teacher at Center of Mindfulness | Key-Note Speaker | Mindfulness Teacher

Highly recommend working with Angelina!

She combines a lifetime of her self work with energy work and compassion to help make a real difference inside yourself. When you change yourself, the world around you changes.

She is gentle, understanding and uplifting. Her methods are practical and she has one of the best methods of loving yourself I have come across in 20 plus years of meditation. It’s made a real difference in my life and continues to do so!

So glad I found her in such a tough time! Thank you

Frank Kuehnel

Generative AI, AI Agents | Ex-Googler | Investor | Physicist

Working with Angelina has been an absolutely transformative experience. Over the course of our engagement, she has helped me to uncover my hidden, deep-seated beliefs and assumptions. She has done this in a way that has been both intellectually stimulating and emotionally supportive.

Angelina is a master at asking the right questions and creating a safe space that helped me to explore my thoughts and feelings without judgment. She has a gift for helping me to see my own patterns of thinking and behavior with new clarity.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with Angelina.

Naomi Colb

Angelina was one of the senior coaches who helped train me as an executive coach during the 2010 Bryan Franlin Coaching Program. I found her to be extremely insightful, compassionate and effective.

Alpha Lo

Angelina Frost is talented in helping guide people to see their gifts and navigate their hangups. She also is able to guide people into learning how to be coaches themselves, showing them techniques they can use to effectively guide others to transform...

Alpha Lo

Angelina Frost is talented in helping guide people to see their gifts and navigate their hangups. She also is able to guide people into learning how to be coaches themselves, showing them techniques they can use to effectively guide others to transform...

Alpha Lo

Angelina Frost is talented in helping guide people to see their gifts and navigate their hangups. She also is able to guide people into learning how to be coaches themselves, showing them techniques they can use to effectively guide others to transform...

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Top 10 Ways to Live a Joy-free Life

Top 10 Ways to Live a Joy-free Life

With pandemics, global warming, human sex-trafficking, racism, homelessness, sexism, alcoholism and every other ism, really, who needs it? We’ve got bigger fish to fry. Don’t we? ...more

Mental Wellness ,Satire

February 07, 20247 min read

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