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Purpose. Leadership. Meaning.

Naturally Enduring Outcomes

Discover the power of Angelina Frost's executive consulting and leadership coaching with your complimentary 2-hour session today, and discover the key areas for you to focus on, now.

This session is where you and Angelina will determine if you and she are a good working fit.

This is NOT a 'discovery' call. You will leave this 2-hour coaching session with new insights and tools - assured that your desired outcomes are within your reach.

What Angelina's Clients Say

We measure success by lives touched and impact made. That’s why the people and organizations Angelina works with and the leaders she supports consistently say the same thing: their experience with her isn’t just a game-changer, it’s a life-changer.

Angelina's consulting, coaching coursework and executive leadership mentoring and training have helped transform hundreds of leaders into the more integrated, more effective leaders they know they can be and that their organizations need.

But don’t take our word for it — take theirs.
Consultant | facilitator | writer | speaker on peacemaking, reconciliation and ecological governance practices. Former attorney - 15+ years in conflict resolution, governance, and land use. Land steward - Gonzales, CA

Angelina is a deeply intuitive coach combined with a strong understanding of the tech world. Her style was a great fit for me. I was nearing the deadline on three outward-facing creative projects and was seeking a coach to help me get them across the finish line. Her approach was to develop my inward-facing strategies, which was a new approach to me. As a result, I submitted all three projects by their deadlines, almost effortlessly.

Honestly, I was genuinely surprised by this outcome. While she may describe it another way, what I felt like she was doing was helping me get out of my head, and instead go deeper into my self-trust as a leader, author and professional. I am very thankful for her approach and strongly recommend her for any professional who is seeking a coach and advisor who can intuitively navigate deeper resistance points, rather than emphasize the typical production-focused style of executive coaching.

Mandy Kierbow

Owner, Tyler Allen Skin Care - Fairfax, CA

When I first reached out to Angelina, I was struggling with depression, anxiety, fear of failure, fear of the future, frustration with what to do about my career and feeling stuck in my living situation. If my depression and anxiety at the beginning was a level 9 it is now at a level 1 or 2. Seriously. 

I wanted to advance myself in my career, I wanted to get out of debt… I just needed change in a big way. Every conversation I had with her changed my perspective and gave me easy to understand steps and applications for my life that would help with whatever I was dealing with at the time. 

I have developed better habits, better ways of handling disappointment, better ways of reflecting and removing resistance in my life. I have a better relationship with my husband and step-kids because I am happy and can now allow them to just be themselves without expectations or judgements. I have less judgment and expectations on myself which has freed me to live the life I actually want. Anyone can benefit from working with Angelina on any level. 

Whether it be a group discussion or one-on-one coaching, her magic is life changing. Be open to receiving the good that comes along with working with her, and take notes. Her wisdom is priceless. 

AI Agents | Investor | Ex-Googler | NASA | Physicist - San Francisco, California

Working with Angelina has been an absolutely transformative experience. Over the course of our engagement, she has helped me to uncover my hidden, deep-seated beliefs and assumptions. She has done this in a way that has been both intellectually stimulating and emotionally supportive.

Angelina is a master at asking the right questions and creating a safe space that helped me to explore my thoughts and feelings without judgment. She has a gift for helping me to see my own patterns of thinking and behavior with new clarity.

One of the things that I appreciate most about Angelina is her ability to create cognitive dissonance and allow silence to speak. Some of the most important insights come when we simply sit with our thoughts and feelings without trying to fix them.

I have the utmost respect for Angelina's depth and the richness of her life experiences. She brings a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to our sessions, and I always feel challenged and inspired by her insights.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with Angelina.

Stacey Joyce
Co-owner and Lead Stylist at a Hair Salon franchise - Denver, CO

When my business partner and I decided to reach out to Angelina, I thought our relationship was beyond repair. I did not know how to fix “us” and I was pretty hopeless about our business and our friendship. I was very nervous, as I had never met with a coach before, but we were desperate and I was willing to do anything it took to make things better.  

When we first spoke, Angelina made me feel instantly at ease and comfortable. I felt like I was chatting with a very wise friend. She opened my mind to new ways of thinking  about my emotions. She gave me actual tools to use to help myself get out of the spirals I would get into in my head. I am able to utilize the techniques she taught me almost every day. 

Not only did she save my partner’s and my relationship and business, but I give her credit for helping make all of my relationships better. I no longer worry as much, I have a more positive opinion about myself and other people, and everyone in my life can see it. 

A very real difference was made. She changed my life. And I am so grateful. 

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Reputation (rant warning)

February 07, 20246 min read


This is probably the most honest thing I’ve ever written. I’ve spent a lifetime ruining my own good reputation. In no conscious way, because who would do something like this, intentionally, right? No.. it’s been completely effortlessly, innocently. It just so happens that ruining my own reputation messes with people’s lives.

Yes. There are a few people close enough to me to really know me, like my kids, former or late partners (of romantic or business variety), besties, and anyone close enough to love me, because it means they’re going to spend at least some of our shared moments hating me. And when they are hating me, it’s either because I am being a loser, or they are. If they are — unless they are my kids — I tell them about it… And then… what usually happens is that I turn around and do (or don’t do) the thing they caught shit from me for doing (or not doing…)

To be fair, I’m not mean-spirited. I am direct and mostly honest and I see stuff (apparently) that lots of people don’t… and, lots of people I know don’t like hearing about what I see. It’s been like this my entire life.

Here’s an example of one of the ways I have contributed to the ruining of my own good name — even if only in my eyes: it’s been a couple of years since I last posted on Medium. Before that, I had been in the practice of writing daily, intentionally, and eventually publishing consistently on Medium — for a short while.

Then, one day I didn’t write. “No problem. I’ll write tomorrow,” I told myself. And tomorrow came, but again, no writing. I didn’t get alarmed at first, but I did have several pieces that were time sensitive — current at the time — and I wanted to get them up. In those days, my aim was to publish once daily. Even if I didn’t put up what I wrote that day, I would put up one of those acronym poems.

Meanwhile, what was happening on the inside was this long, slow slide into this private place I go. When I go there, I disengage with the outside world. It’s usually gradual, which is why it’s not obvious to me when it’s happening. What tips me off that I’m there is the aftermath of my disappearance — the impact that my disappearance has on those I’m connected with. I am not sure why I do it, but thankfully I notice this pattern, now, more so in the past. These days, there is less distraction so I have more time to reflect on patterns like this.

Okay. Back to that pattern of withdrawing from the world which has ruined my reputation, time and again. What’s my reputation worth? And what’s so bad about what I might be reputed for? What’s so bad about being a disappear-er? If you know me, you know where to find me, right?

Another way I’ve tarnished my reputation is that I have been known to ‘shoot off at the lip’, as my dad used to say. I’d get heated, usually righteously so, and then I’d call out people on their bullshit. In those days, I rarely took responsibility for my perceptions or perspectives, much less for my own actual foibles and habits like fantastical thinking, ill- or under-informed business decisions and an overly-inflated sense of self-awesomeness, just to name a few.

It’s okay. I know I am awesome. And. The part of me that has not known that I am awesome? Well that part of me coped with that doubt by using superiority and arrogance to run interference. We can’t have the world knowing that I doubt my value or worth. I would be eaten by the dogs… And so it goes. More reputation ruiners.

Because of these discrepancies in self-worth, all of my most important relationships have been at varying degrees of ‘in the shitter’. In more recent years, I have meditated a lot on nursing the ‘insecure me’ back to wellness. I’ve gotten to the point, moreso now, of knowing how to be right in my relationships. Not right like ‘correct’ — although I have been pretty invested in that— but right, like ‘not lame’. Because apparently I have been. Quite. (This was a direct reflection of my own ‘not right’ relationship I’d learned to have with myself, as it turns out.)

Besides, it depends on who you ask. I have looked like an angel to people who don’t have their shit together. (In my past, my life has been filled with those kinds of characters.) Then again, I have looked pretty lame to people who do have their shit together… 

Now here comes my growing self-esteem to remind me that ‘shit-together’ is a relative term and that there are many ways to have one’s shit together . There are some ways that I do. Like, I’m honest. And I care. Also, I’m learning to not care too much — which is a problem and is at the heart of most of my relationship difficulties, past or current. It turns out that caring too much can result in ruining one’s reputation…

Meanwhile, I don’t care so much about how I am perceived, unless how much I suck becomes someone’s focus. For example, if you ask my daughter about me, who can be kinda neurotic — thanks to me — she will tell you that I am batshit crazy. Which I find very interesting. That’s remarkably similar to how I regard my mom, who actually is batshit crazy.

You see it? The way this goes? There’s no way to get free from the cycle other than to get conscious of it. So here I am, getting conscious of it... Which is another way I have my shit together, by the way.

The truth (with a small ‘t’) is, we are all a little batshit crazy. And there’s good reason for it. There’s nothing cool about being well adjusted to a profoundly dysfunctional world. It’s alright, as long as we know that this is the case. The upshot of this rant? As long as you are focused today on keeping your reputation with yourself in good standing — whatever this means for you — as your highest priority, the chances of gaining, or regaining, the respect of those around you increases.

For the record, my mom is only batshit crazy because she’s my mom. In Reality, she’s fine. And so am I. And so are you. Life is far out and nobody gets a manual. My point is, Grace saves the day and reputations can mend with time where we can allow ourselves — and those around us — the grace we desire to receive from them.

End rant. Enjoy your Grace. It’s way cooler than an untarnished reputation. Grace is a byproduct of the tarnish when you learn to leverage the tarnish, by allowing it to show you where to receive the Love. 

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